Sulusaray is 69 km away from Tokat city centre, 30 km away from Artova district centre, and 11 km away from Yesilyurt district centre; It became a town of Artova on December 31, 1986, and a district on May 20, 1990; It is the smallest district settlement of Tokat in terms of population. The district is on the edge of the Çekerek Stream, on a plain surrounded by mountains. "Sebastopolis", one of the largest cities of the Roman period, is located here. There is a natural thermal water source in the district. There is a volcanic hill called Göktepe, the water to the hot springs comes from the depths of this hill. The hill is a spot where vows are made, wishes are made, and rags are hung on the trees because of the body of a saint believed to be there. Evliya Çelebi stated in his travelogue that the climate and people were moderate. Sugar beet and wheat are grown as agricultural activities in the district. In addition, the people are engaged in animal husbandry. The ancient city of Sebastapolis was first uncovered with some small-scale excavations in the 1980s, and in the following years, excavations were carried out in short periods and most of the important artifacts were sent to other places. The unearthed parts of the ancient city serve the public as an open-air museum. The museum includes a bathhouse and a church. The people of the district make their living from agriculture.
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